Castleberry Hill Neighborhood contains Atlanta’s largest and most concentrated remnant of early railroad buildings. The railway, which defines street and building patterns as it cuts through Castleberry, is as old as Atlanta itself. Buildings form continuous frontages at the street and railway lines, giving the area a distinctive urban look. Beginning in the early 1990’s many buildings were adapted for loft living.
The Architect, in partnership with Castleberry Hill Neighborhood Association, produced a Master Plan for Castleberry Hill. The planning process followed three phases:
1. Inventory & Issue Identification. This phase involved a close study of the existing neighborhood. The planning team took a hard look at existing land use, zoning, traffic, the environment, demographics, and historical sites.
2. Plan Development & Priorities. In this phase, which included a visioning process, neighborhood goals and objectives were fleshed out in public meetings. From decisions made in these meetings, the team produced concept designs and future activity plans.
A committee was formed to discuss design guidelines to protect the historic fabric and streamline the building process for builders and residents. The goal of achieving a zoning change to one of the city’s historic districts was established and a chapter on guidelines produced. In 2006 Castleberry Hill became the city’s eighth Landmark Zoning District.
The need for community green space led to plans for Castleberry Park, a 1 acre park in the abandoned railroad yards. A Community center and railroad museum would border the park, and a greenway trail would follow the rail road tracks.
Plans for Peters Street call for a Neighborhood Commercial District. The underutilized uninterrupted frontage of storefronts would become an interesting and evolving pedestrian retail area augmented by wider sidewalks, street trees, crosswalk paving, and diagonal parking.
3. Plan Implementation. Rather than let the Master Plan sit on a shelf, the planning team formulated an action program. With neighborhood input, they prioritized projects, developed cost estimates, identified funding sources and establish a mechanism for monitoring and
updating the plan.
Inventory: Building Condition
Existing Zoning and Land Use
Plan Development
Plan Development
Inventory: Historic Resources
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